
We invest in future


We invest in future

Top equipment for lean production

Our production is equipped with the latest technology for SMT (Surface-mount technology) assembly, ensuring the highest quality of products and services. It allows us to manufacture production series of various sizes, including prototypes, in a flexible and high-quality way.

Top equipment for lean production

Our production is equipped with the latest technology for SMT (Surface-mount technology) assembly, ensuring the highest quality of products and services. It allows us to manufacture production series of various sizes, including prototypes, in a flexible and high-quality way.

Top equipment for lean production

Our production is equipped with the latest technology for SMT (Surface-mount technology) assembly, ensuring the highest quality of products and services. It allows us to manufacture production series of various sizes, including prototypes, in a flexible and high-quality way.

Top precision and highly flexible sizes of production series

Top precision and highly flexible sizes of production series

Top precision and highly flexible sizes of production series

smt (surface mount technology)

SMT and THT assembly

The latest generation equipment from Asys, Ekra, Hanwha, and Heller boasts a capacity of up to 30,000 components per hour.

SMT specifications:

Speed: 30.000 components per hour
Maximum PCB size: 460 x 400 mm
PCB thickness: 0,2 mm – 4 mm
Maximum component height: 15 mm
Component dimensions: from 0201 inches to 60 x 40 mm
Accuracy of assembly: ±40 Chip @ 3σ μm
±30 QFP @ 3σ μm

Your printed circuit boards can also be equipped with BGA components and THT components.
Our assembly processes follow the J-STD-033 standard, which defines the Moisture Sensitivity Levels (MSL) of surface mount devices.
Selective conformal coating and is also available.

smt (surface mount technology)

Assembly of flexible PCBs

We assemble flexible PCBs as well as combined ‘flexible and rigid’ PCBs.


smt (surface mount technology)

AOI control

Optical control of printed circuit boards is conducted with a 3D AOI automatic optical control machine. We inspect all possible faults, such as misalignment or missing components, polarity replacement, faulty joints, precision of assembled components, and any presence of external materials. If required, the final printed circuit boards are inspected manually by our experts with the help of a microscope.

smt (surface mount technology)

Electrical testing

Electrical testing is performed in accordance with the requirements of the product, usually using the so-called ‘Test Jig’ devices, which we manufacture in-house and in collaboration with the customer. A ‘Test Jig’ is a purpose-built electronic device that ensures the adequacy of the electrical operation of modules.

smt (surface mount technology)

Functional testing

We offer functional or integration testing in cases where customers purchase the assembly of complete electronic devices. We test these using the AFT (Automatic Functionality Test) system that performs integration tests of the device, including the functionality of the final product, and performs an integration test of all individual system components integrated into the final product.

funkcijsko testiranje smt (surface mount technology)

Labelling and tracking

As part of EMA Group, we offer a wide range of labelling options that ensure 100% traceability. These include laser engraving, ink-jet marking, labelling, and mechanical engraving.

Labelling: Domino, Arca and Cab
Laser engraving: Telesis
Laser engraving: Telesis and Domino
Ink-jet labelling: Domino and Toshiba

smt (surface mount technology)

Protecting PCB Assemblies from external influences

We offer Lacquering, Selective Lacquering, Encapsulating and Potting of PCB Assemblies.

We specialize in the production of electronic assemblies designed to operate in demanding environments. Therefore, we can provide different protection processes for circuit card boards or assemblies according to the needs of your project.
We perform potting of electronic assemblies into housings using an automated machine that dispenses material in a controlled environment within a vacuum chamber. The use of this potting machine allows us to pot medium and large production series without any deviations in quality. The vacuum chamber ensures that the material is potted without air bubbles or unwanted particles.
We apply protective coating to the assembled circuit boards by spraying. Prior to this, we protect the areas of the circuit boards where the coating is not desired. The coating is clearly visible under UV light, allowing us to ensure quality control.

smt (surface mount technology)

SMT and THT assembly

The latest generation equipment from Asys, Ekra, Hanwha, and Heller boasts a capacity of up to 30,000 components per hour.

SMT specifications:

Speed: 30.000 components per hour
Maximum PCB size: 460 x 400 mm
PCB thickness: 0,2 mm – 4 mm
Maximum component height: 15 mm
Component dimensions: from 0201 inches to 60 x 40 mm
Accuracy of assembly: ±40 Chip @ 3σ μm ±30 QFP @ 3σ μm

Elektronska vezja opremljamo tudi z zahtevnimi BGA komponentami in s THT komponentami. Pri opremljanju sledimo standardu J-STD-033, ki se nanaša na raven občutljivosti na vlago. Na voljo je še selektivno lakiranje (»selective conformal coating«) in sestava.

smt (surface mount technology)

Assembly of flexible PCBs

We assemble flexible PCBs as well as combined ‘flexible and rigid’ PCBs.

smt (surface mount technology)

AOI control

Optical control of printed circuit boards is conducted with a 3D AOI automatic optical control machine. We inspect all possible faults, such as misalignment or missing components, polarity replacement, faulty joints, precision of assembled components, and any presence of external materials. If required, the final printed circuit boards are inspected manually by our experts with the help of a microscope.

smt (surface mount technology)

Electrical testing

Electrical testing is performed in accordance with the requirements of the product, usually using the so-called ‘Test Jig’ devices, which we manufacture in-house and in collaboration with the customer. A ‘Test Jig’ is a purpose-built electronic device that ensures the adequacy of the electrical operation of modules.

smt (surface mount technology)

Functional testing

We offer functional or integration testing in cases where customers purchase the assembly of complete electronic devices. We test these using the AFT (Automatic Functionality Test) system that performs integration tests of the device, including the functionality of the final product, and performs an integration test of all individual system components integrated into the final product.

funkcijsko testiranje smt (surface mount technology)

Labelling and tracking

As part of EMA Group, we offer a wide range of labelling options that ensure 100% traceability. These include laser engraving, ink-jet marking, labelling, and mechanical engraving.

We use systems from renowned global manufacturers, such as:

Labelling: Domino, Arca and Cab
Laser engraving: Telesis
Laser engraving: Telesis and Domino
Ink-jet labelling: Domino and Toshiba
smt (surface mount technology)

Protecting PCB Assemblies from external influences

We offer Lacquering, Selective Lacquering, Encapsulating and Potting of PCB Assemblies.

We specialize in the production of electronic assemblies designed to operate in demanding environments. Therefore, we can provide different protection processes for circuit card boards or assemblies according to the needs of your project.
We perform potting of electronic assemblies into housings using an automated machine that dispenses material in a controlled environment within a vacuum chamber. The use of this potting machine allows us to pot medium and large production series without any deviations in quality. The vacuum chamber ensures that the material is potted without air bubbles or unwanted particles.
We apply protective coating to the assembled circuit boards by spraying. Prior to this, we protect the areas of the circuit boards where the coating is not desired. The coating is clearly visible under UV light, allowing us to ensure quality control.


We comply with the following quality standards:


We comply with the following quality standards:


We comply with the following quality standards:

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